Here is a long overdue look at our field trip to the Fairbanks Museum where we continued our study of butterfly life cycles and habitats.
What is this?
The Daily Five is a literacy structure that allows for differentiation in the classroom and provides consistency. • It is an integrated literacy instruction and classroom management system for use in reading and writing workshops. • It is a system of five literacy tasks that teaches students independence. Here is the first of the five tasks: Word Work We will continue to launch the other tasks over the next several weeks. We are prepping our brains for solving the corn maze. We added a tray maze as a STEAM exploration choice.
Weather is a year-long science unit in Kindergarten. One morning we had very dense fog and the discussion was around "What is fog?". We take it when we can get it: cold air versus warm air. Then, by the time we went out for recess, the fog had lifted and the bright blue sky warmed our bodies. Without prompting, this was the chant up to the playground: Parents' Advisory Group - Wednesday, September 19thThe next meeting of the Danville Parents' Advisory Group will be Wednesday, September 19th at 6:00 PM in the Danville School Library. All parents are welcome. The group will be co-facilitated by Superintendent Mat Forest and Principal David Schilling, and provides a chance for parents to provide input on our school, as well as hear about the administration's plans for the future. We hope to see you there!
Math Daily 3 is a framework for structuring math time so that Kinders develop deep conceptual understanding, mathematical proficiency, and a true love of mathematics. In addition, we are able to differentiate our instruction, helping to ensure that all Kinders meet their potential. This week we launched "Math With Someone". Everyone loves to learn with a friend. What does the teacher do during Math Daily 3? Work with students!
In this picture you see an I CHART which is an anchor chart around the classroom to remind students of what they need to do independently so that the teacher can work with students. Next week will launch "Math By Myslef". Make sure you have your sound on. The kid's voices tell the whole story! Friday during snack we were lucky enough to catch our formerly tiny caterpillar turn into a chrysalis! It happened so fast, and it was amazing to watch. Now we wait 2 weeks for it to turn into a beautiful butterfly.
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